Happy New Year to you! Each day gives us the opportunity to start over, the ability to accomplish something different from the day before, and the possibility to make right what was wrong from the day before. The same things are true with the start of each year, and we are able to begin afresh on a grander scale. While some people are suspect about resolutions and refrain from even using the word, I think it is helpful to take the time to assess the past and make goals for the future. Assessment of any kind takes time, introspection, and objectivity.
What areas should we assess? Every Christian must assess her walk with God. By “walk” I mean communication, intimacy, affection toward, and obedience to God. Each day we walk with Him and though the walk may not always consist of the aforementioned qualities, it is nonetheless “your walk.” We must assess our time management. We must determine if we are out of balance with the important things in our lives. We have to determine what is important to us, and the things that are none-negotiable. Every woman must have things with which they do not compromise. I think our time with God, taking care of ourselves, upkeep of our homes, maintaining important relationships, investing in someone else, and pursuing your goals, should be a part of what we all do this year.
If we do not spend time reading God’s Word and praying, we will not have a good relationship with God. We must take the time to make the time with our Lord, a top priority. Since we are His flowers and as flowers, we must bloom, we need His light in us. We must meditate on His word so that we can hold our tongue when we are angry, have wisdom in knowing how to handle the difficult situations that we will face, and have the right word to encourage another sister in her time of need.
People are watching you. If you don’t believe me, do something that is not good, and see how many people would chide you. Don’t risk that, just trust me—someone is always watching you. So, with that in mind, take the time to dress nicely and look presentable. The unbeliever will have a hard time hearing your message if you look like a broken down barn. Every woman is beautiful and special in her own way, so fix up your self. Part of taking care of yourself includes exercise (even a walk around your block every day), proper nutrition, and stress relief. Do you know that if you are stressed out your body will show it. Stress relief can include prayer, time with a friend, a walk, sitting in your backyard just looking at God’s creation, and even a stroll in the park. I do not recommend eating and going to the mall for stress relief☺. Those are too tempting and could get us into trouble.
My mother always told me to keep my surrounding clean. She once said, “Janet, even if you live under a tree, sweep underneath it and keep it clean.” I was about ten years old, but I never forgot that. Keep your home presentable. If it’s even the living area and bathroom, keep them clean in case someone pops in unexpectedly. I once asked to use someone’s bathroom and I will not tell you what was sitting in the toilet when I went inside. It was disgusting. If you have kids, make them clean up. Use them to help you (like my mom did me) and you will be teaching them invaluable skills in the process. I love to have my house looking pretty. I am not saying it is always spic-n-span, but I can only stand things being out of place for a short time. I become uncomfortable if there is too much clutter. We are all different, and our concept of what is clean will vary, but we must upkeep our homes because it is a part of our stewardship.
It is important to maintain friendships. My Aunt Carmen commented a couple of summers ago that every woman should find a friend before she needs a friend. If you only have one friend, let her know how much you value her friendship. Just don’t say it, SHOW it! I have an older lady named Linda in my church, and she has a hard time getting around, but she prays and sends emails to people. That is one way to encourage a friend. I am very encouraged when I find out that someone is praying for me. You should find ways to let those people who are important in your life, know it. Don’t wait until they die and then go around telling how much they meant to you. Let them hear it while they can. The kingdom of God is an investment. It involves time with God and time with others. You must be investing in someone else. Seek God for His help in showing you where you can meet a need, and when you meet that need, do not sound it aloud. Keep it private, and God will reward you in due time. Maybe you have people in your own family with whom you can begin to encourage and help. Consider yourself to be God’s flower and the other women around you as God’s flowers. When you notice that their leaves are wilting, offer some “water” because it may be that that is what they need. Depending on the level of friendship you have with them, you may be able to offer some “fertilizer” because water alone may not do. Listen, if you and I begin to water one another, not in pious religiosity, but with a genuine heart of care, the church in which you worship and the neighborhood in which you live, will bloom. We are God’s flowers women, and there is a lot to be done. Just look around you and you will see.
I want to see God’s glory in my life as well as in others. It does not happen by chance. It’s an investment. Too often we look at others who are successful and we talk about how much they have, etc., but what we fail to recognize is the hard work and investment that went into that success. It is a new year, we all have goals, and we all have the opportunity to make a difference. Whether or not you do, will be up to you. I encourage you to embrace diligence, patience, perseverance, determination, and a heart of mercy. May the Lord of all lords, the King of all kings, the God of all gods, and the One we pursue, return to find us focused on Him and investing in others. Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, where no moths or termites can destroy them.